Saturday, May 09, 2015

The journey ends.

Assalamualaikum wbt

Haaii, lama tak tulis benda biasa2. Penat lah deep selalu. Kita pergi on the surface pulak eh. Hehe. For that today, I will share with you a funny story. Tak la kelakar sangat pun sebenarnya.

Akhirnya. Iqamah siap jugak :')

Cerita kelakar?

Ada seorang ni, semangat pergi balai polis awal pagi sebab nak setelkan iqamah. Tapi borang tahdid sakan tak isi lagi sebab tak berapa faham, ingat nak tanya AJK iqamah je.

Lepas tu bila dah sampai, baca balik borang tu baru perasan kena ada info and sign sohib rumah. 😂😂🔫 typical me. Jangan cakap la rasa nak bom diri sendiri tu banyak kali je dah pernah timbul. Haih.

Dah pasrah, kena pergi balai hari Ahad ke isnin, tak boleh lah nak setelkan hari ni jugak 😵 and then i called my sohibel beyt (sohib rumah) and mintak dia datang hari Ahad. Borak punya borak lepas tu dia offer nak datang dekat balai polis tu. Dah la hari cuti. Hari untuk relax, bangun lambat. But he sacrifices all that just for the insignificant me 😭 banyak Kali Tanya but he insisted nak datang jugak T_T

Bila ammu sampai dekat balai polis, ammu tolong isikan borang, teman masuk pejabat2 semua tu, dia tolong settelkan semua sekali la senang cerita 😭 eeeee memang rasa macam pengganti ayah k dekat Jordan ni 😢😢

For that, dear future me, DO NOT MOVE OUT FROM THAT HOUSE. Takpe lah ijar Mahal sikit pun compare to yang lain tapi tak pernah ada masalah air ke elektrik ke, sohib pun baik gilassss

And so, my adventure ends here (which started, the moment I lost my passport & iqamah (visa))

Dan antara nilai yang paling penting Allah nak ajar is:
Rela untuk mengorbankan kesenangan sendiri demi memudahkan orang lain.

It was a very adventurous journey through out tapi Allah temukan dengan orang orang yang baik sangatt ya ampunn 😭 Dan banyak pun lessons that I've learnt. Moga all that lessons mampu untuk masuk dalam hati dan tak keluar2. 

Terima kasih si pickpocketer. Terima kasih atas pengajaran tak ternilai ni *which wouldn't happen if you didn't steal my passport & iqamah first  ;)

Sunday, May 03, 2015


You see, life is dynamic. 
What does it means? It means that life is constantly changing. 

But yeah, as a medical student I am not sure if it is the right term to use. You can correct me if I am mistaken. 

People change with time. 
Who knows, maybe one day this blog will be permanently deleted (though I really don't have any intention of doing so) 
Or just maybe I will shut it off from being public. 

Who knows? 

The key is, people change.

Clinging on the past and hope that things will just be the same though it has been years, really is a silly thing to do.

People change, Faz. They are not the same people that you've met few years before. Who knows. Some may stay but most don't.

Don't keep your hopes high.

Cause they will casually hurts you.

It really is okay just to look back and reminisce for a while. But a U-turn? No. Don't.

Saying words are much easier than walking the talk. But just give it a try. For Allah will count the effort, not the result.

Oh come on, even a permanent marker isn't really that permanent after all ;)

Of 1.50 am Jordan time,
and unfinished tubular reabsorption notes.