Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Clinical years :)

Alhamdulillah, I'm back to my sense now. Sorry for the past few weeks, I've been posting some ridiculous stuffs..

Sementara tunggu tasneem shopping, let me spend my time babbling at you guys. hihi

So let's talk about my first clinical week ! :)

So how was it? I can conclude it with only one word: TIRESOME

Round at the hospital from 8 until 12, and then class at 1 until 3. So I was too fatigued when I get home. Jadilah orang tido pukul 8 ke 9, bangun pukul 4 .

One thing that you have to know about my university, it is located in the middle of nowhere. So I have to take the bus which will take approximately half an hour to reach my university.

But it was a lot of fun. Yeah, tiring yet fun. Masa round dekat hospital, from 8-10, we have to do history taking. Yes, dengan patients Arab. It was and still is challenging. So yeah, sikit sikit lah belajar term sakit dalam Arabic language ni. Luckily, the Arabs from my group are very cooperative. Alhamdulillah :) but still, history taking is hard T_T nak Tanya soalan dalam Arabic takpe, dah ada skrip. Tapi bila nak faham dia sakit apa tu. Hahaaa *nangis* bayangkan la, medical term tu in arabic :) haha k. Takpe. Cabaran tu kan menarik.

From 10 to 12, we will do the round with a specialist or resident. Tak pun, they'll teach us something. sangat berfokus, sebab satu group ada 16 orang je 🌸  kadang2 bila dapat dr cakap arab, mencabar jugak la. Tapi biasanya faham je sebab medical terms dr akan cakap english. But there's this one day dr cakap pasal history taking etc, 80% arabic, and i spaced out.. Dah la pagi tu history taking susah nak jumpa patient yg nak bagi kerjasama --' but that's life, faz. Tak sabarnya nak ambil history patient in fully malay.

"Asssalamualaikum makcik, saya Faziera Diana, pelajar perubatan tahun 4. Boleh ke kalau saya nak tanya soalan sikit dekat makcik?"

*berangan berangan berangan *

Tapi bak kata senior tahun 6 tu , enjoy la ambil history dalam bahasa Arab untuk 3 tahun je. lepas ni selama lamanya dalam bahasa melayu, hahaaa 😂😂 so, yeahh we can rock this Fazzzz !

Tapi masa tengah ambil history boleh pulak makcik tu tanya, dah kahwin ke? Tak nak kahwin dengan orang jordan ke? hahahaa *takpelah makcik.saya nak stay malaysia je....

Oh my teammates? I am in group A1. 4 orang gadis melayu, 4 gadis arab saudi, and another 8 syabab arab. They are very fun and cooperative. Ada sorang kawan lelaki ni pandai rap (he's good, even has his own youtube channel), lagi sorang ni dah 3 kali blackbelt taekwando, ada yg ulang alik dari Amman everyday (that's just whoa. And yg muka macam paul walker tu is one of them). There's a cute pair of twins. Ada sorang girl ni baru je kahwin and she honeymooned kat msiaaa.

But alhamdulillah, they are cool. Masa dr tanya2 kat kitorang, this one arab guy siap boleh bagi jawapan lagi (bagi klu and gaya siap kat kitorang) lol. Thanks Umar, you saved us !

And ni baru pengalaman for seminggu setengah masuk hospital dan buat round. There's one whole year awaiting for us.

May Allah ease everything. And the introduction exam is coming real soon! Do pray for me and my mates :)