َاَللَّهُمَّ مُصَرِّفَ الْقُلُوْبِ, صَرِّفْ قُلُوْبَنَا عَلَى طَا عَتِك
Ya Allah yang mengarahkan hati, arahkanlah hati-hati kami untuk taat kepadamu,
اَللَّهُمَّ يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوْبِ, ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِيْ عَلَى دِيْنِك
Wahai Rabb yang membolak-balikkan hati, teguhkanlah hatiku pada agamamu.
entry kali ini adalah sedikit random. sorry sangat-sangat sebab dah lama tak update. Wi-fi dekat sini macam biskut, kejap ada kejap tiada. well, of course thats not the main point.
Baru beberapa minggu melangkah ke alam Universiti dan sudah pun bergelar Attolibat fi Jamiah Teknologi wa Ulum, sannah uulaa, wa takhasus fi tibashari. It means; pelajar perempuan di University of Science and Technology, tahun satu, dan pengkhususan dalam perubatan awam.
Sebenarnya bukan baru-baru ini fikiran ini singgah di minda, iaitu bayangan tentang diri, dalam masa 10 tahun akan datang. Bila berfikir balik, hati ini menjadi gusar, tak tenang. Sanggupkah aku? Mampukah aku? Relakah aku? How about the people around me at that time?
I don't know. Tak tahu lah. Should I change my takhasus? Taking dentistry instead of medicine? Gila kan? sorry , terguna harsh word pulak. Nope, tak lah gila sangat. Boleh je kalau budak medic nak tukar dentist tapi kena masa first semester je. Sebab masa first semester je subject kitorang sama. Lagipun medic 6 tahun, dentist 5 tahun.
Tapi Allah takkan bebankan hambanya dengan beban yang hambanya tak mampu galaskan? well, that's Faith I guess. Have a faith in Him.
Love for Allah:
A Lecture by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)
The Effects of Love
The Holy Quran tells us that Allah
loves intensely those who believe in Him. The depth of this love is directly proportional to the amount of faith a believer has in His Lord, and is inversely proportional to how strongly a believer will feel the difficulties he faces in his life. This means that a believer will be able to tolerate more difficulty and obstacles, the greater his love for Allah
, and vice versa.

This is comparable to the case of a woman who has great desire in her heart to become a mother, and for this is willing to bear tremendous hardship. She is willing to carry a child inside her for nine months, suffering all kinds of ailments such as back pain and morning sickness. However, they are tolerable because she keeps her goal of becoming a mother in perspective. She is also aware of the possibility that complications can develop during labor that may lead to a lifetime of suffering, and also that there may be something wrong with the child that is born. In addition, she also knows that for the first few years she will have to be entirely devoted to the child, sacrificing rest and food for the sake of her baby. However, her intense desire of becoming a mother and love for the child overshadows all this and makes her burden easy for her to bear.
Hence love eases pain, so much so that we do not even consider a burden to be a difficulty or an inconvenience. Likewise, all difficulties, be they physical, financial, or otherwise, become easy for the believer when he has love for Allah
in his heart. Moreover, the true believer even longs to make sacrifices for Allah
, and is even willing to sacrifice his biggest asset, his life, for the sake of the Lord who blessed him with this gift in the first place. The sad truth is that we have not properly understood or inculcated true love for Allah
in our hearts, and have been negligent of our duties to our Creator.

may this story motivates me, and you too readers :)
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