بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
looking back in what happened through out 2014, was indeed a breath-taking experiences. So they said that experiences are the best teacher right? Betul lah tu. Cant agree more
Semoga Faziera yang dengan izinNya, survived the wild ride on 2014, become more stronger and tougher than she ever was before. Mungkin sebagai persediaan menghadapi 2015 yang entah apa pulak akan berlaku. Semuanya di bawah wisdom sang pencipta.
Bila fikir balik masa early 2014, tak pernah sangka semua yang dah berlaku ni akan berlaku (luls cliche I know tapi nak jugak state kan). Tapi semua tu as I said, adalah manifestasi Cinta dari yang Menciptakan kita semua. Cara dia atur kisah kita, dengan cantik dan tersusun. Masya Allah sangat :')
enough with the past. Yang penting, ambil iktibar dan move on
For the people that stays during my ups and downs, Thank you .
Wouldn't make it through without you guys. And of course, Him <3 font="">3>

Have faith :)
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