Monday, May 23, 2016

Paeds posting

Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulilah,

selesai 3 postings :) (acah-acah gaya Malaysia heee, sebenarnya kat sini kitorang biasanya guna term 'rotation' tapi macam cool pulak bila cakap posting heeee)

Semalam osce exam for pediatrics rotation, and Alhamdulillah it went well. Except that I cant remember another controller for asthma management except corticosteroid (for counselling station) tapi okay lah, sebab tak baca sangat pun pasal asthma hahaa ><" , at least I went out from the pediatrics clinic dengan hati berbunga dan seronok.

Oh for your information, untuk osce pediatrics ada 3 stations, yang pertama station history taking, second for physical examination, the third one is counselling (ala-ala viva). Each station for 6 minutes. Habis je 6 minutes tu, and doctor will ring the bell, okay go to the next station.

Back to perasaan berbunga-bunga tu, kenapa? It's not that I performed really well or beyond excellent ke apa, but the doctors/specialists yang jaga stations tu sangaaaaaat baik dan supportive. Rasa macam nak peluk jeee semua semua doctor bila dah habis tiga-tiga station tu. But mind you, the doctors semua lelaki ==' Bila doctors baik macam tu, less nervous dan rasa seronok je masa exam, alhamdulillah once again :) In the end, it's not about the marks pun, but that satisfying feelings when we felt that we already tried our best. But again, all the praises should be returned back to Him 

And I just have to say this, walaupun materials untuk pediatrics ni luar biasa banyak jugak, but I really enjoy everyday rounds and history taking/examination with those innocent and blissful souls. Kalau antara tiga rotations ni (surgery vs internal med vs pediatrics) as for now I will say my most favorite one is paeds :) Okay terbanyak pulak bebel. Bila je faziera ni tak bebel masalahnya heee :PP

Okay, now masa untuk fokus pada final ! Sikit lagi ni, bertahanlah semuaaaaa !!
Bittaufiq everyone, may Allah ease :)

because makcik is too mainstream :P


  1. Youu will make a really good peads one day Faz! I know that hihi
