As you grow older, you will witness a lot of changes.
The field where you used to play with your childhood friends,
might not be there anymore.
there is one unfamiliar building replacing that field.
How about things ? Trends ? People ?
Yep, they too, change.
Luckily, they stay.
*throwback mode dah datang ._. gambar random sebab dandelion lawa sangattt
Hm, I know I should really study right now. Dah la surgery. As in, I'm not good with anatomies and stuffs thus I know I really should put on extra efforts T_T Haven't you heard of LPS ? Also known as Last Paper Syndrome ....... ergh .
Bye, I should go now. What an unbeneficial post. You can unfollow me now. *sigh*
oh, Ramadhan Kareeeeeeem :)
May Allah accept our good deeds insyaAllah. We have only 26 days left ! Let's make full use of them :D YOSHH
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