Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ove and an accidentally book review .

Assalamualaikum wbt and hi people !

Yay ! It's half past 5 in the morning and I am still awake ! It's been a struggle these days to not to sleep after fajr. *self-pat* hahaa

Subuh pukul 3.45. Bagitahu je ni :P

Funny enough, I just finished reading this one book that I bought when I went to visit my sister in London last year. I took about almost half a year to read only 1/5th of the book and finished the rest in just three days. Funny me ._.

The title is ; A man called Ove

Masa belek2 nak pilih buku, I picked this one pun sebab ada tulis 'the million-copy bestseller'. So maybe worth it nak try. Genre chic-lit dah lama jugak tinggal :') tu zaman remaja2 je hahaa

Anyway, masa baca buku ni mula2 macam, sebab dia pasal this one old grumpy man, so I didn't find it really interesting pun to begin with. And then, as I strolled down the road, paved by the author, I do find the story as 'warm, funny, unbearably moving' as quoted from the Daily Mail. I have to say that I've learnt a lot of values. One of them is, ohh macam ni ke orang introvert fikir. As an extrovert myself, I have quite a hard time trying to understand these people. It is so cool to enter a mind of someone that is completely the opposite of you and see stuffs with a different point of view *what I love about reading books :)*. And antara point yang best jugak dalam novel ni, it just shows macam mana orang yang nampak so cold on the outside, yet can be very warm on the inside ♥ 
Not to mention my few favourite quotes dalam tu.

Was not intending to review a book . It has always been like this. -.- That feels lepas habis baca and nak move on. Hm. Nampak sangat jarang pun habis baca buku. k.


It's 17 Ramadhan today. Already ! Seriously, time is running reallyyy fast ! What are you ? Usain Bolt ? Ah, it's a special day today as hari ni hari nuzul quran. Hari turunnya ayat-ayat cinta dari Dia. Wuwuuu. 13 days left, let's make full use of it, shall we ?

Dan sebenarnya dah lebih seminggu jugak tamat final exam selama sebulan tu :') Result semua exams pun dah dapat. Funny enough as for me, peads > surgery > int. med , tapi dah agak je sebenarnyaaa sebab walaupun surgery banyak je past years tapi as I said before, anatomies and me doesn't blend in quite well. Hee. Dan lagi seminggu lebih je lagi nak balik Malaysia. Tak tahu nak rasa apa, rasa macam bercampur baur pun ada sebab dah tiga tahun tak beraya dengan keluarga kan. Except tahun lepas dengan kakak. Honestly, rasa berdebar tu ada sebab tak tahu nak expect apa. Expect sambal daging tokyah lah nampaknya haha :P Aaaaa it's been ages since I last balik Taiping T_T Moga ada rezeki kali ni insyaAllah.

Okay , it's time to get myself preoccupied with stuffs so that I do not accidentally fall asleep while waiting to get ready for my summer class. Adios amigos !