Thursday, October 25, 2018

The second post of 2018 ..

Assalamualaikum wbt, hi everyone :)

It's been so long kan since I've been an avid writer. Well em nampaklah yang 6th year tu memang busy betul hahaaa tu la nama pun final year kan ? Alhamdulillah, thumma alhamdulillah, I have passed Medical school last June. It was really tough, soalan MCQ yang macam em Dr ni nak bagi kitorang lulus ke tak.. (especially surgery punya soalan memang maut sungguh >< ) , and dengan VIVA 4 hari berderet, not knowing soalan apa yang Dr akan tembak kita nanti, and Alhamdulillah again, I am very glad to say this; I passed. I made it through. And it is all with His mercy, of course.


So, sekarang ni tengah menganggur. Wouldn't exactly say that I am very very free, sebab ada je occupied with some things, but I can say quite free sampai rasa tak sabar nak start belajar balik. And Pre-HO Course is coming soon ! Harapnya boleh la bina momentum masa tu and start balik, yoshh !

Ahh, I almost forgot how good it feels to write down things that has been running on my mind. Hee

And maybe some day in the future, bila dah start kerja as houseman contract nanti, dapat jugak update blog macam dulu2 (macam awal2 masuk tahun klinikal dulu hahaa semangat xD).

So um, to anyone who is reading my blog (acah je lah kalau ada yang baca :P) , if you are struggling with something, know that it will eventually pass. It's okay to worry about it, but just don't let it take a toll on your health, or even yourself as a whole. Emotions are powerful. They can either boost us up till sky is the limit, or drag us down the deepest darkest sea. Whenever the latter one comes to you, just take a deep breath and start using your logic and reasoning. They do help, for me. But of course, it will take some time.

And till that time come, just um hang in there, okay ?

Oh, and I'm currently watching this one anime. I was really inspired by their determination and their fighting spirit. Tapi actually kan banyak je anime yang tekankan point tu. Tapi rasa kelakar pulak bila tengok lepas tu terharu sorang sorang hhahaa k ..

Oh how I miss my simple and carefree self back when I was only 20 years old

Well, adulthood (and working and earning money and paying taxes) is coming soon!
Let's just em indulge with this carefree life for just a little while. :')

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