Monday, March 13, 2017

well .

Hey there! It's been a long while isn't it?

I have no idea for the post title. Hence.

I still remember the promise I made to myself early in 2017. Which one? Oh the part which I will make it an awesome year? HAHA amiinnnnn. At least this year I'll be doing something that I've never done before, which is not going home for more than a year T_T *tak confirm lagi tapi most likely* I have my reasons, but let's just skip that part. This impromptu girl might just be buying her plane ticket 2 weeks before the semester break :'D But let's not do that ye. hmmm

This post is so very random.

Right now, I am forcing myself to study (it's ortho *sigh* yes I know it is very important especially in Emergency Medicine but tengah cuba la ni ..) so here I am, distracting myself for a while before I get back to business.

So random rant, here we go.

You see, people are dynamic. They changes through out time. Of course, as we live, we learn, we grow, and change into a different person. Well, maybe not different, rather the upgraded version ? apaa ni melalut -_- Kalau nak tengok balik, within my almost 5 years journey kat sini, I learnt a lot, and I am not even that sure about who I was before I came here. For all those mistakes, good or bad choices that we made, they eventually make us who we are today. *As long as we learn from those mistakes* Are there even bad choices? Maybe they seem bad but they aren't. Orang kata, experiences are the best teacher. Maybe, at that moment, it's just meant to be for us to make such bad decision, so that we learn and grow. hm. apa nii ... sorry, I shouldn't be here .

Anyway, I should really go. Not feeling really well (due to the current weather yang tak menentu) but I need to feel good anyway. Lots of things to be done *yet here I am, babbling to random strangers* ergh sorry, please unfollow my blog.

3 midexams and 11 finals are waiting . Please send some prayers for me and my friends. Thank you !

belanja seketul gambar acah scene dalam Doctor Stranger kat Chain Bridge :P
(kdrama not marvel's dr strange)

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